The funds listed below demonstrate what a wide variety of interests people have and why they chose to create a fund at the Community Foundation. Each is established with a fund agreement, which directs how the donor wants grants used now and far into the future. The endowments are pooled for investment purposes but accounted for separately. Anyone can add to any fund at any time in any amount.
Have a particular area of interest? You can view our funds listed by area of interest or type HERE.
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LifeTime Resources Senior Services Development Fund
On August 19, 1997, LifeTime Resources, Inc. established the LifeTime Resources Senior Services Development Fund. The organization created this Agency Fund to create a perpetual

Lisa Cheatham Memorial Scholarship
The Lisa Cheatham Memorial Scholarship was established on August 11, 2008. Lisa’s husband, Mark Cheatham, and their children, along with memorial gifts from their family

Lou Knoble Gift of Art Fund
The Lou Knoble Gift of Art Fund is a Designated Fund that was established in 2020. Lou Knoble was a fixture of the Madison arts

Lynn A. Maricle Music Scholarship
Friends of Lynn Maricle created the Lynn A. Maricle Music Scholarship in 2006 to honor her career as a music teacher and her many services

M.W. Anderson Scholarship
Myrwin “Red” Anderson served as an educator in Madison for many years, and also served as the principal of Madison Consolidated High School (MCHS). He

Mabel C. Green Memorial Scholarship
Following her passing in November 1994, Mabel C. Green established a scholarship fund through her will. Ms. Green was a Jefferson County native, and taught

Madison Area Arts Alliance Endowment
In 2018, Chris Lanthier and Tami Hagemier established the Madison Area Arts Alliance Endowment. Chris and Tami have supported many community organizations, including the arts,

Madison Beautification Fund
The Madison Beautification Fund is a Field of Interest Fund. It was established in 2019 by Glenna Hanks Wade to provide funding for two things

Madison Chautauqua Scholarship for the Arts in Memory of Bob Fourhman
The Madison Chautauqua Festival of Art committee wanted to give back to the community which has hosted the annual event for many years. To do

Madison Chemical Company Employee Fund
In 1997, Madison Chemical Company, Inc. established a Donor Advised Fund – The Madison Chemical Company Employee Fund. Employees at Madison Chemical are able to

Madison Consolidated High School Class of 1966 Scholarship Fund
Members of Madison Consolidated High School’s Class of 1966 established this Scholarship Fund in 2011. This scholarship was created to give classmates a common goal

Madison Consolidated High School Special Education Endowment
An anonymous donor established the Madison Consolidated High School Special Education Endowment in 2012 to provide annual support for special education services at MCHS. This

Madison Consolidated Schools Educational Foundation Fund
The Madison Consolidated Schools Educational Foundation Fund was created in 1994 to promote educational excellence in the Madison Consolidated Schools. This Designated Fund helps the

Madison Kiwanis – Connor K. Salm Scholarship
The Madison Kiwanis – Connor K. Salm Scholarship was established in 2019 by our local Kiwanis chapter. The mission of the Kiwanis is to “make

Madison Main Street Endowment
The Madison Main Street Endowment was created in 2022 by a local family that wants to see small businesses in Madison and Jefferson County thrive.

Madison Precision Products Community Fund
This Flexible Community Fund was created by Madison Precision Products (MPP) in 2014. MPP has been a community-minded manufacturer in the area since opening its

Madison Railroad Scholarship in Memory of Robert Griffin
The Madison Railroad established this scholarship in memory of employee Robert Griffin in 2023. Robert Griffin was a long-time and dedicated team member of the

Madison Riverfront Development Corporation Endowment
The Madison Riverfront Development Corporation Endowment was established in 2018. The Madison Riverfront Development Corporation, which is charged with the enhancement and beautification of our

Madison Riverfront Endowment Fund
On October 23, 1995, June Kirk established the Madison Riverfront Endowment Fund. She created this fund as a way to honor the memory of her

Madison-Jefferson County Humane Society, Inc. Audrey M. Smith Chapter Fund
The Madison-Jefferson County Humane Society, Inc. Audrey M. Smith Chapter Fund was established in 1994. It was created through a bequest from the Estate of

Madison-Jefferson County Public Library Endowment Fund
In 2001, the Madison-Jefferson County Public Library Endowment Fund was established. Their Board of Directors created this Designated Endowment to support the mission of the

Marcia S. Morrill Scholarship of the Madison Rotary Club
The Marcia S. Morrill Memorial Scholarship was established by her husband, Walter, in 1996. Walt created this fund to remember Marcia’s service as an educator

Margaret Francis Seifert and Gregory A. Russell Endowment
The late Margaret Seifert-Russell and Gregory Russell established this Flexible Community Fund in 2014 to invest in the community’s future. Margaret and Gregory both believe

Marjorie Cornell Hare Nursing Scholarship
The Marjorie Cornell Hare Nursing Scholarship was established in 2012 by her family members. Mrs. Hare received her nurses’ training at Mt. Sinai Hospital in

Marty and Bea Ferguson Endowment
The Marty and Bea Ferguson Endowment was established in 2008 by their son Joe Ferguson and his wife Evelyn. At the time the fund was

Mary Battles Canida Memorial Endowment
The family of Mary Battles Canida established this memorial fund in 2013 to support academics at Madison Consolidated Schools with focus on the Academic Teams

Mary Elizabeth Patterson Scholarship
Margaret Scott Endicott established the Mary Elizabeth Patterson Scholarship in 1984. It was later transferred to the Community Foundation in 2014. This award is given

Mayor Damon Welch Memorial Scholarship
The Mayor Damon Welch Memorial Scholarship is a Scholarship Fund that was established in 2020. Damon was a life-long resident of Madison and was a

McKay Family Fund
The McKay Family Fund was established in 2013 by Chuck and Cindy McKay. This is a Donor Advised Fund meaning that, each year, Chuck and

Meyers-Hoefling Memorial Scholarship
The Meyers-Hoefling Memorial Scholarship is a Scholarship Fund that was established in 2023 after the passing of Edna Meyers. Edna decided to leave a legacy