
Helping local students pursue their academic goals.

Scholarships are the most direct and public expression of financial support that the Community Foundation can give the students of Jefferson County.

The Community Foundation manages over 60 scholarship funds that help local students pursue their academic goals following high school.

In 2024, the Community Foundation of Madison & Jefferson County awarded over $205,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors of the county’s public and private high schools. Nearly 50 different students earned money toward their college costs. Scholarships are available for a variety of applicants. Some are specific to schools, majors, need, or interests. Others have few restrictions. Check out the Available Scholarships Listing to see what you may be eligible for!

Many of the scholarships ask you to supply your test scores which some reviewers rely on heavily for making selections. If you do not have a score yet, please go ahead and apply for the scholarships, knowing that your application will have less information for reviewers. You should supply your PSAT scores if you have those.

Most of the scholarships require you to provide the SAI (Student Aid Index; formerly known as EFC/Expected Family Contribution) from your FAFSA. However, not all of the scholarships have a need-based requirement. Look at the Available Scholarships Listing to see which scholarships require this information. You can complete your FAFSA by going to the link at the top of this page.

CFMJC scholarships may be used for tuition and related expenses like fees and required equipment at accredited colleges and universities. Room and board are NOT covered, but be sure to check out the specifics in the Available Scholarships Listing.

Online applications for the Class of 2025 are CLOSED.
Online applications for the Class of 2026 will open on December 1, 2025.

All student information and recommendations MUST be submitted on the Community Foundation’s online application platform before the NOON deadline February 14, 2025. Please remember to give your references plenty of time to complete and submit letters of recommendation. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure all materials are completed and the SUBMIT button is pressed before this time. Your school counselor will have an additional week to submit your transcript. Partial applications will not be considered.

Email [email protected] with questions, or call the office at 812-265-3327.


We invite all Jefferson County high school juniors and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to attend our FREE event on Monday, February 17, 2025 from 6-7:30pm at Madison Consolidated High School Auditorium.

Come and learn about topics to help prepare you for your senior year of high school such as:
 – Financial Aid
 – Scholarships

Register HERE and let us know you’re planning to join us!

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Applications for the 2025 CFMJC Scholarships are now OPEN. Applications must be submitted by Friday, February 14, 2025 at Noon.

Scholarship Application Due In:


2024 Scholarship Winners

Brooke Hay - Madison Consolidated High School
Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship
Melanie Anderson - Southwestern High School
Christie Crafton Memorial Scholarship, Mary Elizabeth Patterson Memorial Scholarship, Calvin Family Scholarship & Dale McNeely Scholarship
Tyler Ayler - Madison Consolidated High School
Dupont Alumni Scholarship & Dr. Fred S. Henderson Family Scholarship
Isaak Bachmann - Southwestern High School
Jefferson County 4-H Scholarship
Nicholas Biallas - Madison Consolidated High School
The Wood Memorial Scholarship, Mabel Green Memorial Scholarship, Community Foundation Scholar, Dorothy B. Lotz Scholarship & Nathan Wilson Memorial Mathematics Scholarship
Brynna Brandon - Madison Consolidated High School
Glenn G. & Dorothy Ebel Huntington Memorial Scholarship
Brylee Buchanan - Southwestern High School
CAM Car Club Scholarship & Marcia S. Morrill Scholarship
Lily Callis - Madison Consolidated High School
Custer Oratory Contest, M.W. Anderson Scholarship & Troy Allen Pyles Memorial Scholarship
Saba Chabukashvili - Madison Consolidated High School
Tiffany Lee Carter Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas Colson - Madison Consolidated High School
Carolyn Bruce Spicer and Gene E. Spicer Nursing Scholarship
Lauren Conner - Madison Consolidated High School
Joseph V. Cline Scholarship
Karson Couch - Madison Consolidated High School
George & June Kirk Scholarship
Hannah Dart - Madison Consolidated High School
Frances K. Eisan Memorial Scholarship, Class of '84 Scholarship, Dennis Holt Memorial Scholarship, MCHS Class of 1966 Scholarship & Bonnie and Printis Shelton Scholarship
Kaylee DeWeese - Southwestern High School
Rainbow Youth Scholarship
Eli Dodge - Madison Consolidated High School
Chan Chilton Memorial Scholarship
Colton Duerstock - Shawe Memorial High School
Hall Family Scholarship
Kallie Eder - Madison Consolidated High School
Cheatham Family Scholarship & Joseph V. Cline Scholarship
Ashley Fulton - Southwestern High School
Madison Chautauqua Scholarship for the Arts in Memory of Bob Fourhman
Zachary Gish - Shawe Memorial High School
Dupont Alumni Scholarship, Kenneth E. and Mary Lou Dunbar Scholarship to Honor Perry & Dunbar Employees, & Community Foundation Scholar
Bella Heath - Madison Consolidated High School
Gary Chapman Memorial Scholarship & Rainbow Youth Scholarship
Sylvia Heath - Shawe Memorial High School
Father Hilary G. Meny Scholarship
Jack Heckler - Madison Consolidated High School
Custer Oratory Contest, Mabel Green Memorial Scholarship & Community Foundation Scholar
Andre Howard - Madison Consolidated High School
Broadway School Alumni Scholarship, Sharon Thom Alcorn Memorial Scholarship & Norma A. Cull Memorial Scholarship
Alexandra Ibarra- Shawe Memorial High School
Ralph & Robyn Jones Family Memorial Scholarship
Shelby Jones - New Washington High School
Christie Crafton Memorial Scholarship
Zoya Kalinin - Southwesern High School
Bill Oldaker Scholarship & Madison Railroad Scholarship in Memory of Robert Griffin
Elijah Kummer - Christian Academy of Madison
Community Foundation Scholar
Eden Kuppler - Southwestern High School
J. Michael Sample Memorial Scholarship for Music & Jefferson County 4-H Scholarship
Jamison Lewis - Southwestern High School
Keith Brooks Memorial Scholarship, Madison Kiwanis/Connor K. Salm Scholarship, Brian W. Stites Memorial Scholarship, Lisa Cheatham Memorial Scholarship & Community Foundation Scholar
Kailee Lock - Madison Consolidated High School
Thomas D. Craft, Jr. Memorial Scholarship & Helyn Bishop Scholarship
Camila Madrid - Madison Consolidated High School
Ralph & Robyn Jones Family Memorial Scholarship
Marisol Maya - Madison Consolidated High School
Carl J. and Mary M. Hoefling Memorial Scholarship
Shelby Morton - Madison Consolidated High School
Charles H. and C. Chris Keller Scholarship, Jefferson County 4-H Scholarship & George and June Miller Scholarship
Gracie Nolan- Madison Consolidated High School
Brad O'Leary Scholarship
Taylor Owen - Madison Consolidated High School
Dallas Lamb Visual Arts and Arts & Crafts Scholarship
Bailey Owens- Madison Consolidated High School
Terri Nighbert Memorial Scholarship
Milap Patel - Madison Consolidated High School
Custer Oratory Contest
Lucas Pulliam - Southwestern High School
Ralph & Robyn Jones Family Memorial Scholarship
Emma Richey - Madison Consolidated High School
Dupont Alumni Scholarship, Jefferson County 4-H Scholarship & Deputy Alumni Scholarship
Taylor Robbins - Adult Learner
Carolyn Bruce Spicer and Gene E. Spicer Adult Nursing Scholarship
Jackson Schwartz - Madison Consolidated High School
Dorothy B. Lotz Scholarship
Claire Slygh - Madison Consolidated High School
Mayor Damon Welch Memorial Scholarship
Ava Spencer - Madison Consolidated High School
Curtis Wright Memorial Scholarship
William Stockdale - Southwestern High School
Jefferson County 4-H Scholarship
Aubree Turnbull - Shawe Memorial High School
Dupont Alumni Scholarship & Larry and Charmaine Owens Scholarship
Alex Wang - Madison Consolidated High School
Custer Oratory Contest & Ralph and Margaret Seifert Scholarship
Kira Wells - Shawe Memorial High School
Broadway School Alumni Scholarship
Tucker Whitaker - Madison Consolidated High School
Dupont Alumni Scholarship
Nathan Wu - Madison Consolidated High School
Custer Oratory Contest

Past Scholarship Winners

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