Investing in Jefferson County for over 30 Years
Since 1991, we have worked with charitably minded people and organizations to strengthen Jefferson County, Indiana.
Our mission is to build a strong, vibrant community by helping donors provide perpetual funding for the people, projects and passions of Jefferson County.
We build relationships with passionate individuals, generous families, prudent professional advisors, innovative nonprofits and benevolent businesses to create long lasting change.

The Highest Standards
CFMJC is proud to be accredited with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations ® – the highest standards for philanthropic excellence. This accreditation shows that we meet the most rigorous standards in philanthropy and is a promise to our community that we’ll continue to do this good work together, right here in Jefferson County, Indiana.
To receive accreditation with National Standards, we submitted our policies and procedures to a rigorous review of 41 National Standards in six key areas of community foundation operations, including donor services, investment management, grantmaking and administration.
The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations® program was established in 2000 in cooperation with the Council on Foundations. For more information about National Standards, visit www.cfstandards.org.
CFMJC Historical Highlights
Founded on April 29, 1991 through the $500,000 GIFT (Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow) challenge from Lilly Endowment Inc. (LEI)
First fund established – Bill Oldaker Scholarship of the Madison Rotary Club
First CFMJC grant cycle awarded $15,000 to seven organizations
Raised $1 million in permanent endowments and received $500,000 from LEI for Unrestricted Endowments before the September 30, 1997 deadline.
First 8 CFMJC scholarships were awarded totaling $4,872
Affiliate community foundations for Dearborn, Ripley, & Switzerland Counties were created through an LEI grant
First Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship awarded to Gabriel Freeman
60% of the year’s gifts came from donors ($3,978,000) & 40% from LEI ($2,693,000)
Celebrated CFMJC’s 10th Anniversary at the Venture Out Business Center
Adopted National Standards & Ethical and Operational Standards for Indiana Community Foundations
Helped convene the Hispanic/Latino Commission, which led to the creation of La Casa Amiga in 2003
Created the Legacy Society to recognize donors who have made planned gifts to the Community Foundation
Celebrated CFMJC’s 15th Anniversary at Clifty Falls State Park
Due to market decline in 2008, no competitive grant cycle was offered, but the Help Your Neighbor grant program was created to help charitable organizations that provided basic needs to area residents
Awarded a $150,000 grant to the Clearinghouse of Jefferson County to combat generational poverty, the largest grant to date awarded by CFMJC
Celebrated CFMJC’s 20th Aniversary at Clifty Inn
The Women’s Giving Circle of Jefferson County was created and awarded its first grants totaling $15,450
Helped convene Feed the Arts
Convened a “Blue Sky” committee of artists which led to the creation of the Madison Area Arts Alliance with the help of a $40,000 grant from the Community Foundation
CFMJC’s assets passed the $20 million mark
Moved to the current office location of 416 West Street (Old City Hall) following an anonymous donation of the building
Awarded a $100,000 grant to the KDH Foundation for the Hope & Healing Campaign (cancer treatment center)
Junior memberships introduced for the Women’s Giving Circle
Celebrated CFMJC’s 25th Anniversary at the Hanover College Science Center
Assets passed the $21 million mark with nearly 200 endowed funds held at the Community Foundation
Record membership year for the Women’s Giving Cirlce with 261 members
Created the Donor Recognition Display and Artwork Gallery at the Community Foundation Office
Awarded over $254,000 in competitive grants to 30 nonprofit organizations
Implemented the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan focusing on Marketing/Community Awareness, Asset Development, and Grant Making
Leadership Jefferson County program launched at CFMJC
18 new endowments were established – a record number
Launched the Leave a Legacy advertising campaign
Inaugural Leadership Jefferson County class graduated 15 members
Endowed assets grew by 21% to reach over $27 million
Received a GIFT VII Community Leadership Planning Grant from LEI and invested over $40,000 in the county’s health through the Healthy Communities Initiative and KDH Foundation to address the issues of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress
Activated the Disaster Relief fund to support nonprofit organizations as they provided immediate aid to residents impacted by COVID-19
Awarded $75,875 to 20 organizations through the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Program
Received a $100,000 GIFT VII Community Leadership Implementation Grant from LEI to partner with the Healthy Communities Initiative of Jefferson County to study and address the issues of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress, allowing progress toward better health outcomes for the county’s youngest citizens
Installed the Spring Awakening sculpture in the Foundation’s courtyard in partnership with the neighboring 420 West Street building
Celebrated the Foundation’s 30th Anniversary with the 30th Anniversary Matching Program
Participated as a strategic ally in the creation of Resilient Jefferson County, a new initiative of the KDH Foundation
Over $5 million in donations received – a record year of giving
Reaccredited with National Standards for Community Foundations
Established the Hanover Community Endowment in recognition of the momentum and growth of the community
Provided $35,000 in lead grants from the Community Foundation and Women’s Giving Circle in partnership with Bethany Legacy Foundation for the Dupont Playground/Park Project
Graduated the 5th class of Leadership Jefferson County
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